Monday, 16 February 2009
Things I've Learnt
For example, I didn't know Earth had a second moon, named Cruithne.
It's good for me, because I knew more than my classmates about the solar-system.
But as everyone made a different project, everyone knew more about something than the others knew about that thing. In the end, we could all learn a bit from everyone's work. There was someone who made a project on 'Chocolate' or 'Medicine'. There were a variety of topics. I've really enjoyed making projects like that, and then presenting it. It was a lot of fun & we all can learn something new out of it! ^^ May it be about the topics, or about presentations & skills.
Sunday, 15 February 2009
Can't go to church!
I was so sad and upset. >=(
Jl. Pagarsih was blocked by the police, because there was an event there.
I really wanted to go to church, because it's the first whole Sunday after I got baptized..!
Only motorcycles and people going by foot were allowed to pass. And I went in a car. Even 'angkot's weren't allowed to pass! But my parents didn't want to park the car somewhere and go to church by foot. And I had to meet a friend after church! Now, my friend is angry at me. Eventhough I already sent her a message. She said, I haven't. She's going really mad now. :(
Valentine's Day
But I didn't really enjoy this year's Val's day.. He's so far away. And my friends forced me to go to IP (Istana Plaza).. In my opinion, it's so boring there. A place with nothing much to do. Plus, I had much homework to do for the weekend. And there will be an Indonesian test on Monday..
But in the end, I just went along. We didn't do really much there. I can't understand why they wanted to go there. We just went in & out stores. They just bought a few things, while I bought nothing. hahaha
To add to that, I got a sore throat & a cold. Therefore, I didn't feel really well.
Why I like the solar-system..?
I wanna tell you why I like the solar-system so much.
I like it because it's just fascinating.
I love it!
The views & pictures taken of space are just fantastic. Wonderful!
They're colourful, mysterious, and they make me wonder about a lot of things..
So in Grade 6, I made a project on our solar-system.
I did some research and put it all together to get a nice piece of work done ^.^
I still have the project now, eventhough it's not really up-to-date today.
Because a lot of things changed since I left Grade 6.
For example, we don't call Pluto a planet anymore now, do we?
I don't wanna lose track about space anymore now.
Monday, 2 February 2009
Diameter: 119,871 km (74,500 miles)
Mass: 586.5x10^24 kilograms (95 x Earth's)
Density: 687 kg/m^3
Minimum distance from the Sun: 1.35 billion km (840 million miles)
Maximum distance from the Sun: 1.5 billion km (938 million miles)
Minimum distance from Earth: 1.2 billion km (746 million miles)
Roman and Greek Names: Saturn and Cronus
Temperature: -179°C (290°F)
Time taken to go around the Sun once: 29 years 169 days (29.5 years)
Moon(s): 18 named, 13 coded & all together 31 moons. I only list the ones without codes. Coded: S/year S(for Saturn)number (one: first, two: second, …) - Atlas, Calypso, Dione, Enceladus, Epimetheus, Helene, Hyperion, Iapetus, Janus, Mimas, Pan, Pandora, Phoebe, Prometheus, Rhea, Telesto, Tenthys & Titan.
Diameter: 142,800 km (88,736 miles, 11.2 Earth’s)
Mass: 1,898 x10^24 kilograms (318 x Earth's)
Density: 1,326 kg/m^3
Minimum distance from the Sun: 741 million km (460 million miles)
Maximum distance from the Sun: 817 million km (508 million miles)
Minimum distance from Earth: 588 million km (365 million miles)
Roman and Greek Names: Jupiter and Zeus
Temperature: -150°C (238°F)
Time taken to go around the Sun once: 11 years 314 daysMoon(s): 27 named, 33 coded & all together 60 moons. I only list the ones with codes. If it’s coded: S/year J for Jupiter number (one: first, two: second, …). From A - Z. - Andrestea, Amalthea, Ananke, Callisto, Carme, Callirrhoe, Chaldene, Elara, Erinome, Europa, Ganymede, Harparlyke, Himalia, Io, Iocaste, Isone, Kalyke, Leda, Lysithea, Magaclite, Metis, Pasiphae, Praxidike, Sinope, Taygete, Thebe & Themisto.
Is there a sign that there was life on Mars, once?
Mars is a dry planet with no liquid water, right now. Maybe there was water, but not anymore. There are many dried-up water channels and the red rocks also contained also contained a little bit of water. Scientists believe that, billions of years ago, that nearly all the volcanoes threw out gases and lava from the Planet’s boiling center. Water flowed from under the surface, maybe formed seas. The simplest forms of life, such as algae, may have existed. There was water on Mars for sure in the past. Maybe there is still some frozen water today. What I mean with frozen water is that, our Planet is not the only Planet that had the Ice Age. All the Planets in our Solar-System had Ice Age. The Ice Age on Mars was after the explosion of thousands of volcanoes. Mars is now completely lifeless today. The volcanoes there are now extinct (no longer active). One of them, that is extinct, is called Olympus Mons, is the largest volcano in our Solar-System. It is fifteen miles high.
Diameter: 6,785 km (4,217 - 4,218 miles, 0.53 x Earth’s)
Mass: 0.64x10^24 kilograms (0.11 x Earth's)
Density: 3,933 kg/m^3
Minimum distance from the Sun: 205 million km (128 million miles)
Maximum distance from the Sun: 249 million km (155 million miles)
Minimum distance from Earth: 35 million miles
Roman and Greek Names: Mars and Ares
Temperature: 21°C (day) -133°C (night), 70°F (day) -207°F (night)
Time taken to go around the Sun once: 687 days (1.88 years)
Moon(s): 2 names, 0 coded & all together 2 Moons. - Deimos (28 days) & Phobos (08 days)
Here is Earth trapped in clouds (actually Earth was always trapped in clouds). I think I put too less for the topic ‘Earth’. Because I think you know everything already about our home Planet Earth.
Colour: Blue, Green, White, …
Diameter: 12,753 km (7,926 miles)
Mass: 5.98x10^24 kilograms (6.5e21 tons)
Density: 5,515 kg/m^3
Minimum distance from Sun: 146 million km (91 million miles)
Maximum distance from Sun: 152 million km (94.5 million miles)
Roman and Greek Names: Unknown
Time taken to spin once (people think, to nearest hour): 24hrs (in real, exact time): 23hrs 56min Temperature: -89°C to 57.7°C (-128°F to 136°F)
Time taken to go around the Sun once: 365 days 5hrs (no Leap Year)
Moon(s): 2 named, 0 coded & all together 2 Moons. - Lunar & Cruithne