Tuesday 19 August 2008

Introduction to Our Solar-System

Our Solar-System consist of nine planets and the sun. These nine planets are called (nearest to sun to far side): Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto (eventhough now it's too small to be called a 'planet', therefore it's a 'dwarf planet').
Planets that are orbiting a star other than the sun are extrasolar planets. So far Astronomers and Scientists together have found 134 extrasolar planets. An exoplanet is another word for extrasolar.


You can see the structure of the solar-system clearly on the labelled diagram above, but you can't see the asteroid belt. It lies between Mars & Jupiter. Asteroids on Jupiter's orbit are Trojan Asteroids).

Friday 15 August 2008

Qs & As - Space Questions

In Qs & As parts of this blog, I'm going to answer some questions that people ask me. These are some of the questions about 'space'. Just like this:

What is space?
Space is everything outside earth, the planet on that we live on. In space, there are many different objects, such as planets, comets, black holes and stars. Our sun is a medium-sized star in a galaxy of other billion stars. Outside our galaxy there are billions of other galaxies.

Does every single star have Planets spinning around them?
I don’t know why, but the answer is no. A star that has no planets orbiting them is not called a Sun. There is nobody that can watch then when they rise for a new day, but we can. We can see the stars around our Solar-System but that doesn’t mean that the stars around us has no planets. It is just that we can’t see the planet even if they have one. The point is: NOT ALL stars have planets.

Friday 1 August 2008


Hey guys!
I've made a few blogs here before. But unfortunately, now I can't access my account..
So I'm starting a new one here.

Because I have no other idea what I want to write about, I'll just write things about our solar-system.. I like studying space (astronomy).. I started liking it since grade 6. When we were supposed to make a presentation on anything we wanted (just polite).. And I then ended up writing 20 pages about our solar-system..

This is why the address of this blog is: http://ssqueen.blogspot.com/
'ss' means 'solar-system'.. and 'queen' is because I'm a girl.. XD

I may not post as often and as much as I did on my previous blogs, because I'm scared I might get hacked again.