Sunday 26 October 2008

The Sun

The Sun is the star of our Solar-System. It is the same thing other Solar-Systems have a Sun. Without the Sun we won’t have light, we would just have darkness in our hearts. The Sun is like the Heart of our Solar-System. It gives us heat if the Sun wasn’t here we would be dead in one second because of coldness. Even the energy from coal and oil came from the Sun. The Sun is Earth’s nearest star. If you go further or outside of our Solar-System the Sun would just look like other stars. The temperature on Sun is about 27 million °F which is 14 999 998 2°C. The Sun will have energy to still live for at least another 5 billion years. The surface of the Sun is called a photosphere. Sunspots are dark parts on the Sun that cools it down. Many Sunspots are bigger than the Earth, but they are only there for a week or two. You should never look straight to the Sun because it can make you blind. Scientists and Astronomers are using special methods to study the Sun safely.

The picture on the left is a picture of the real Sun: (Taken from NASA* National Aeronautics and Space Administration).
In the right picture you can see that the size of the sunspots are bigger than the Earth.


Diameter: 1.4 million km (870,000 miles)

Mass (Noun): 330,000 x Earth’s

Density (How tight, the tighter the heavier, adjective): 1.41 (water=1)

Temperature at the core: 15 million °C (22.5 million °F)

Age: 4.5 billion years

Distance from Earth: 149.6 million km (93 million miles)

Surface temperature: 5,500°C (9,932°F)

Sunspot temperature: 4,000°C (7,232°F)

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