It is smaller than Pluto & Eris and its diameter is only between 1,300 km to 1,900 km. That is about three quarters of the size of Pluto. But astronomers haven't discovered any moons for Makemake yet. This is a bit odd, because other large KBO objects have at least one moon. Makemake may be covered with ice, that is made of methane & maybe ethane too.
The surface of this planet is bright, something you would expect from a surface of ice.. But it is also kind of red in colour, which you wouldn't expect....
Like Haumea, it is also named after a god, but not a Hawaiian one. This time, it's a god from the mythology of the Rapa Nui people of the Easter Island (the place with the 'world wonder' statues). He is the god of fertility & the creator of humans in the mythology. As you know, July 2005 is also not long after Easter 2005, therefore, astronomers nicknamed it "Easterbunny" :-0 This is funny ^.^ So, when they had to choose an official name for this planet, they decided to name it after a character from the mythology of Easter Island.
Makemake, with Pluto & Eris (not Ceres!), is also called a "plutoid". These are dwarf planets, like Pluto, that orbit the Sun from beyond the planet of Neptune. Ceres orbits the Sun before Jupiter.
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