Monday 2 February 2009


The Earth is our home Planet, the Planet that we live on. Nearly two thirds of the Earth is covered with water. It is the largest from the inner Planets. If we were on Mars we could see transits of the Earth, but that is a Mars thing. We are not the only ones living on this Planet. There are also animals and plants living on this Planet. On this Planet there is more than 200 countries. The temperature on this Planet always changes. We never now what will come next if we don’t look at the Weather Forecast programs. Earth is the only Planet in our Solar-System that has life, right now (maybe). If live is possible on Mars is still being researched.. Maybe in 100 years =P

Here is Earth trapped in clouds (actually Earth was always trapped in clouds). I think I put too less for the topic ‘Earth’. Because I think you know everything already about our home Planet Earth.


Colour: Blue, Green, White, …
Diameter: 12,753 km (7,926 miles)
Mass: 5.98x10^24 kilograms (6.5e21 tons)
Density: 5,515 kg/m^3
Minimum distance from Sun: 146 million km (91 million miles)
Maximum distance from Sun: 152 million km (94.5 million miles)
Roman and Greek Names: Unknown

Time taken to spin once (people think, to nearest hour): 24hrs (in real, exact time): 23hrs 56min Temperature: -89°C to 57.7°C (-128°F to 136°F)
Time taken to go around the Sun once: 365 days 5hrs (no Leap Year)
Moon(s): 2 named, 0 coded & all together 2 Moons. - Lunar & Cruithne

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