Monday 16 February 2009

Things I've Learnt

There are many things that I've learnt throughout the project I made in Grade 6.
For example, I didn't know Earth had a second moon, named Cruithne.
It's good for me, because I knew more than my classmates about the solar-system.
But as everyone made a different project, everyone knew more about something than the others knew about that thing. In the end, we could all learn a bit from everyone's work. There was someone who made a project on 'Chocolate' or 'Medicine'. There were a variety of topics. I've really enjoyed making projects like that, and then presenting it. It was a lot of fun & we all can learn something new out of it! ^^ May it be about the topics, or about presentations & skills.

1 comment:

elis' journal said...

great pictures. nice story. you can talk about solar system. fascinating.