Monday 2 February 2009


Jupiter is the first Planet after the Asteroid Belt and the biggest Planet in this Solar-System. It is one of the Giant Planets. When we look at Jupiter from far we can see that it has stripes.

Jupiter is not like other Planets nearer to the Sun. It has many of other gases. A Galileo Spacecraft entered its atmosphere in 1995. It kept falling until the heat and the air around the Planet put it out of action. Jupiter’s size is enormous. It is 11 times the size of Earth. Its mass is over 300 hundred time bigger than Earth’s. It spins once in less than ten hours. For Planets that spins once in less time. They will get flat at the poles. Jupiter has a very, very, very thin ring around it. The ring is very faint. Even if you look close at it you can’t see it. Jupiter has the biggest moon in our Solar-System. That moon is called: Ganymede.


Colour: Brown, beige, red (striped)
Diameter: 142,800 km (88,736 miles, 11.2 Earth’s)
Mass: 1,898 x10^24 kilograms (318 x Earth's)
Density: 1,326 kg/m^3
Minimum distance from the Sun: 741 million km (460 million miles)
Maximum distance from the Sun: 817 million km (508 million miles)
Minimum distance from Earth: 588 million km (365 million miles)
Roman and Greek Names: Jupiter and Zeus

Time taken to spin once: 9hrs 50min
Temperature: -150°C (238°F)
Time taken to go around the Sun once: 11 years 314 daysMoon(s): 27 named, 33 coded & all together 60 moons. I only list the ones with codes. If it’s coded: S/year J for Jupiter number (one: first, two: second, …). From A - Z. - Andrestea, Amalthea, Ananke, Callisto, Carme, Callirrhoe, Chaldene, Elara, Erinome, Europa, Ganymede, Harparlyke, Himalia, Io, Iocaste, Isone, Kalyke, Leda, Lysithea, Magaclite, Metis, Pasiphae, Praxidike, Sinope, Taygete, Thebe & Themisto.

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