Sunday 1 March 2009


Uranus is one of the Giant Planets, but the smallest Giant Planet. Uranus also have faint Rings (more than one), not Ring. Uranus has nine faint rings. Not one faint Ring (like Jupiter has). The furthest ring is the thickest Ring of all. as you know, Uranus may be a star because. It has so many Rings that it can be a Solar-System by it self. Uranus is the star and the Rings around it can be the orbiting lines. The Rings of Uranus are dark, that is nothing, such as Saturn’s, which are very bright.

On this picture we can only see tree Rings. This picture is also too dark, for the normal Uranus.
Uranus is a very odd Planet. It doesn’t sit like other Planets with the North Pole North, and the South Pole South. It doesn’t sit on the South Pole. It sits on its side (middle line, Equator). That means the North and South Pole of Uranus is sticking of the side.


Colour: Blue-Green
Diameter: 51,488 km (32,000 miles, 31 x Earth’s)
Mass: 86.8x10^24 kilograms (14.5 x Earth's)
Density: 1,270 kg/m^3
Minimum distance from the Sun: 2.7 billion km (1.7 billion miles)
Maximum distance from the Sun: 3 billion km (1.87 billion miles)
Minimum distance from Earth: 2.57 billion km (1.6 billion miles)
Roman and Greek Names: Uranus and Uranus

Time taken to spin once: 17hrs 14min (17.24hrs)
Temperature: -200°C (-328°F) - -210°C (-346°F)
Time taken to go around the Sun once: 84 years and 4 days
Moon(s): 21 named, 6 coded & all together 27 Moons. I only list the ones without codes. Coded: S/year U(for Uranus)number (one: first, two: second, …) - Ariel, Belinda, Bianca, Caliban, Cordelia, Cressida, Desdemona, Juliet, Miranda, Oberon, Ophelia, Portia, Prospero, Puck, Rosalind, Satebos, Stephano, Sycorax, Titania, Trinculo & Umbriel.

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