Monday 2 March 2009


Neptune is also just made out of water. Neptune has four Rings. They are called Galle, Leverrier, Plateau & Adams. Nobody can see Neptune’s Rings.

This is the only image I could find on the Internet of Neptune with its Rings (eventhough it's not the real Neptune, only a picture).
Astronomers didn’t look around the skies with their telescopes to find Neptune. It was just that Uranus wasn’t moving it’s orbit around the Sun, the way that Astronomers expected it to. This made the Astronomers come to the Idea, that there was another Planet behind Uranus. French and British mathematicians worked out where Neptune should be found. In 1846 Neptune was discovered by a German Astronomer. Neptune is also made out of hydrogen, helium and methane. This time the methane gives the colour Blue. The winds in Neptune goes up to 600 meters per hour. That is much faster than a Hurricane on Earth. Neptune has a very strange Moon called Triton. Triton is the largest Moon of Uranus. That is not the strange thing. The strange thing about it is that it is the only Moon of any Planet, that orbits in the opposite direction from left. The direction that every Planet in our Solar-System moves (except for one). There is a sign that there may be life, in the past. Europa, the Moon from Jupiter, also gives a sign for life. Triton and Europa may have been warm enough for life. They contain liquid water underneath their Surfaces. As we know there are some animals on our Planet that live on the North and South Pole. Such as Polar Bears, Penguins and Seals. There may be living creatures on Triton and Europa under the Icy Surface.


Colour: Blue
Diameter: 49,493 km (30,760 miles, 3.8 x Earth’s)
Mass: 102.4x10^24 kilograms (17.2 x Earth's)
Density: 1,638 kg/m^3
Minimum distance from the Sun: 4.46 billion km (2.77 billion miles)
Maximum distance from the Sun: 4.54 billion km (2.82 billion miles)
Minimum distance from Earth: 4.3 billion km (2.68 billion miles)
Roman and Greek Names: Neptune and Poseidon

Time taken to spin once: 19hrs 12min (17.24hrs)
Temperature: -210°C (346°F)- -218°C (-360°F)
Time taken to go around the Sun once: 165 YearsMoon(s): 8 named, 5 coded & all together 13 Moons. I only list the ones without codes. Coded: S/year N(for Neptune)number (one: first, two: second, …) - Despina, Galatea, Larissa, Naiad, Nereid, Proteus, Thalassa & Triton.

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