Monday 30 March 2009


I think writing about asteroids would sound fun right now. So I'm writing this...
Asteroids are small bodies in our solar-system, that are said to be the leftovers from the formation 4.6 billion years ago. They are rocky objects & have a wide variety of shapes. Some are round, others rather irregular. Their sizes also vary (up to a few hundreds of kilometers across, but most are much smaller).
More than 100,000 asteroids in our solar-system lie in the Asteroid Belt, which is located between Mars & Jupiter. There are many asteroids there. If there weren't any asteroids, the space between these two planets would be greater than the space between any other planets next to each other.
Scientists claim that asteroids (especially the ones in the Asteroid Belt) are the remains of a planet in our solar-system that's already gone now. Thousands of the biggest asteroids have names today.
Eventhough the chances are very small that an asteroid will collide with Earth, they still come close to Earth, like Hermes (came as close as to 777,000 km from the Earth). Anything might happen at any time!

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