Friday 24 April 2009

At Last!!

I'm sooooo... happy! At last I found a book for my Indonesian homework!
It had to be a book by either Mochtar Lubis, Y. B. Mangunwijaya or Pramudya Ananta Toer..
It was so hard to get one, because those books are quite old... But at last I found one!

Now, there's still other homework waiting for me...
The ones giving me the most headaches are Maths & Chemistry!!
Only the Revision Tests left for Maths, but it seems like much more...
For Chemistry it's only the half left, but with numbers I don't like.
Oh yeah, I nearly forgot about the English book report..
So, I think I'll continue reading the book now.
And I haven't studied for the English on Monday about relative clauses..
But I think that should be easy. ^.^

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