Tuesday 14 April 2009

Easter Service

Today, we had Easter Service at GKI Kebonjati. We had to be there at 06.30. But the service begins at 07.00. Before, we had to find a place to sit according to our classes. But, there was not enough seats for X-3.. Hahaha. So, I sat amongst X-2 students. In the beginning it was fun. Then, further on in the service, I got a headache and stomachache. I was glad when it was all over. But I felt even worse when I got out.
Today, I was going to go home on my own. I went to get to the angkot. But then, I felt more and more sick. So, I called my dad, to see if he would pick me up. He said to go to my aunt first and have a rest there. And they gave me medicine. I tried to go to sleep, but it was hard, because my tummy was still hurting. At last, I could fall asleep! But I was awake again 2 hours later to eat lunch. Soon after that, my dad came.. And I could go home! But he was angry.. >=(

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