Monday 13 April 2009

Tiring Day..!

Yesterday was such a tiring day for me..
I went with Merry, other SMAK 1 students & my best friend in Indonesia on a 'picnic'. Well, it was supposed to be a picnic.. But it wasn't!
We wanted to have a picnic near a river. They thought the river was at Dago Pakar. But, no..!
The river was far away at Maribaya! Therefore, we went all the way up from Dago Pakar to Maribaya. That's about 5 km or up to 8 km (I forgot).. But it took more than 2 and a half hours of walking up in a forest. I really didn't imagine it to be this way. I thought it was going to be a nice morning, full of laughter, fun & snacks. But no, it was full of sweat! And we had to play a game all the way up.
We got a target (a person). And there was also a character we had to act out to that person (like ingnoring, caring, etc.) But none of us really did play. We only walked up with some jokes. In the beginning, my friend and I walked together with the others. But soon enough we walked faster & faster, because we didn't want to walk slowly. Because if you walk slowly up a mountain, in my opinion, you will feel the tiredness even more. But if you walk fast, you wouldn't feel tired while walking (only later). You would only feel the tiredness when you took a break. And for a long while it was raining. It rained when we were on our way up, and when we already reached our destination to picnic.
When we were already up there, we played some games. But I didn't play, because I got a headache, because of the rain. At last, we went home! Thank goodness, I thought~
And we went home with an angkot. By the way, I was car sick. So I felt even worse then. When we reached Lembang, they bought me some medicine before we went on the angkot 'St. Hall - Lembang'. But I still didn't feel a lot better. The others planned to have dinner together too, now that it was 5 or 6 in the afternoon already, because we were supposed to be back by the latest 2 o'clock in the afternoon. I planned to eat with them, but as traffic was slow and I was scared to go with the angkot alone when it was too dark, I decided just to go home. And I reached my house when it was about 7 o'clock already. =(

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