Saturday 25 April 2009


For the last two posts (of the project) I'm just going to tell stories. This is because I'm not allowed to use the internet anymore for the rest of this month, because the internet quota is only one 1 GB/month. Now it's already over and image: I have to pay for everything!! Eventhough everyone else used the internet (especially my sister for games!)!!!!
I'm only allowed to post my last 2 posts here. This is why I won't say much more.. And I don't know what else to write about the solar-system. If anyone has any ideas, maybe I could try it...
I recently heard about the swine flu is the USA and Mexico. And no kids are supposed to go out (no school or university!).. And they have no homework now as long as they aren't supposed to go to school. While, we got homework! But homework is still good as long as they don't give you bad headaches. =)

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